Honouring our Fallen Heroes
the Battle of Vimy Ridge 09 April - 12 April, 1917
Remembering the Battle of Vimy Ridge - 100 years ago - 09 April - 12 April, 1917
The Battle of Vimy Ridge was the first occasion whereupon all four divisions of the Canadian Expeditionary Force participated in a battle as a cohesive formation, and thus became a Canadian nationalistic symbol of achievement and sacrifice.
Below is the complete list of soldiers who fell during the Battle of Vimy Ridge.
3228 Canadians soldiers fell during the Battle of Vimy Ridge.
1) Private CUTRIDGE, ERNEST WALTER, E W 9 April 1917 2) Private CUTTER, JAMES, J 11 April 1917 3) Private CUTTING, ARTHUR, A 9 April 1917 4) Private D'ARCY, DE VERE EDWARD, D V E 9 April 1917 5) Private D'ENTREMONT, WILLIAM RODOLPHE, W R 9 April 1917 6) Corporal DACK, EDWARD, E 9 April 1917 7) Private DAIGLE, ALFRED, A 9 April 1917 8) Private DAIGLE, JOSEPH LEVI, J L 9 April 1917 9) Private DAIKEN, ARDEN, A 9 April 1917 10) Private DALGLEISH, WILLIAM OLIVER, W O 10 April 1917 11) Private DALTON, JOHN PENDERGAST, J P 9 April 1917 12) Private DALZELL, ELMER CECIL, E C 9 April 1917 13) Private DANIEL, JOHN, J 9 April 1917 14) Private DANIELS, ALVA SILVESTER, A S 9 April 1917 15) Private DARBOURN, WILLIAM JOHN, W J 10 April 1917 16) Private DARGIE, WILLIAM MILNE, W M 9 April 1917 17) Private DAUPHINEE, STANLEY OSWALD, S O 9 April 1917 18) Private DAVENPORT, ALFRED RILEY, A R 9 April 1917 19) Private DAVENPORT, THOMAS, T 9 April 1917 20) Private DAVEY, JAMES MATTHEWS, J M 9 April 1917 21) Private DAVEY, WILLIAM, W 9 April 1917 22) Private DAVIDGE, WILLIAM BERNARD, W B 9 April 1917 23) Private DAVIDSON, ARTHUR POMEROY, A P 9 April 1917 24) Private DAVIDSON, GEORGE, G 9 April 1917 25) Private DAVIDSON, JAMES, J 10 April 1917 26) Private DAVIDSON, WILFORD GEORGE, W G 11 April 1917 27) Private DAVIE, ALEXANDER, A 9 April 1917 28) Private DAVIES, JOHN ALBERT, J A 10 April 1917 29) Private DAVIES, OWEN HENRY, O H 9 April 1917 30) Private DAVIES, STANLEY, S 9 April 1917 31) Private DAVIS, ALFRED HENRY, A H 9 April 1917 32) Private DAVIS, ERNEST, E 9 April 1917 33) Private DAVIS, EZAR, E 10 April 1917 34) Private DAVIS, FRED, F 9 April 1917 35) Private DAVIS, FRANCIS SHIRLEY, F S 9 April 1917 36) Private DAVIS, HARVEY HENRY, H H 10 April 1917 37) Private DAVIS, JOSEPH, J 10 April 1917 38) Private DAVIS, ROBERT, R 9 April 1917 39) Private DAVIS, THOMAS JAMES, T J 9 April 1917 40) Private DAVIS, WILLIAM, W A 9 April 1917 41) Private DAWSON, STEPHEN LEONARD, S L 9 April 1917 42) Private DAY, ARTHUR CLIFFORD, A C 9 April 1917 43) Private DAY, JOSEPH, J 11 April 1917 44) Private DE LA COURNEWE, MONTAGUE THOMAS, M T 10 April 1917 45) Major DE LANCEY, JAMES ARNOLD, J A 9 April 1917 46) Private DE LONG, MARK LORNE, M L 9 April 1917 47) Private DE MILL, FRANK, F 9 April 1917 48) Private DE TONKEY, CLARENCE, C 9 April 1917 49) Private DE WOLFE, HENRY BURTON, H B 9 April 1917 50) Private DEAN, CHARLES GORDON, C G 10 April 1917 51) Private DEAN, GEORGE FREDERICK, G F 9 April 1917 52) Private DEANE, THOMAS, T 9 April 1917 53) Private DECELLES, ROLLAND, R 12 April 1917 54) Private DEE, RUSSELL, R 9 April 1917 55) Private DEFAYETTE, JOSEPH HENEE, J H 9 April 1917 56) Private DELL, JAMES, J 9 April 1917 57) Private DEMIDOVICH, JOHN, J 9 April 1917 58) Private DENAULT, ARSENE, A 9 April 1917 59) Private DENMAN, HERBERT ALFRED, H A 9 April 1917 60) Private DENNE, WILLIAM CHARLES, W C 10 April 1917 61) Lance Corporal DENNIS, CHARLES, C 9 April 1917 62) Sapper DENNISON, EARLE BENNETT, E B 9 April 1917 63) Private DERYNCK, FREDERICK, F 9 April 1917 64) Private DESAUTELS, FRANK ADRIAN, F A 9 April 1917 65) Private DESROCHERS, HENRY, H B 9 April 1917 66) Private DESTEFANO, SALVATORE, S 11 April 1917 67) Private DEVALL, RUSSELL, R J 11 April 1917 68) Private DEVEAU, MICHAEL, M 9 April 1917 69) Private DEVENGER, ARCHIE WENDELL, A W 9 April 1917 70) Private DEVITT, BERTRAM, B 9 April 1917 71) Private DEVLIN, HUGH, H 10 April 1917 72) Private DEWHURST, THOMAS, T 9 April 1917 73) Able Seaman DIAHL, JOHN, J 11 April 1917 74) Private DICK, GEORGE, G 12 April 1917 75) Private DICK, JOSEPH COLIN, J C 10 April 1917 76) Private DICKIE, JOHN WATSON, J W 9 April 1917 77) Private DICKIE, THOMAS, T 9 April 1917 78) Private DICKIE, THOMAS HALL, T H 9 April 1917 79) Sergeant DICKSON, DAVID ALEXANDER FRASER, D A F 9 April 1917 80) Private DICKSON, RUSSELL JAMES, R J 12 April 1917 81) Private DICKSON, THOMAS ALEXANDER, T A 10 April 1917 82) Private DICKSON, WILLIAM FRANCIS, W F 9 April 1917 83) Private DIGBY, HORACE WALTER, H W 9 April 1917 84) Private DILLON, WILLIAM RAPHEAL, W R 9 April 1917 85) Private DINGWALL, HARRY ALEXANDER, H A 9 April 1917 86) Private DIXON, GEORGE, G 9 April 1917 87) Private DIXON, JOHN, J 9 April 1917 88) Private DIXON, THOMAS, T 9 April 1917 89) Private DIXON, WILLIAM, W 10 April 1917 90) Sergeant DIXON, WILLIAM ELLIOT COCHRANE, W E C 12 April 1917 91) Private DIXON, WILLIAM JAMES, W J 12 April 1917 92) Private DOBBIE, THOMAS, T 9 April 1917 93) Lieutenant DOBLE, JOHN JAMES, J J 11 April 1917 94) Private DODWELL, REGINALD FREDERICK, R F 10 April 1917 95) Private DOHERTY, FREDERICK ALBERT, F A 9 April 1917 96) Private DOIRON, CHARLES WILFRED, C W 9 April 1917 97) Private DOLAN, FRANK, F 9 April 1917 98) Sergeant DOLAN, JAMES THOMAS, J T 9 April 1917 99) Private DOLBY, WILLIAM, W 9 April 1917 100) Private DOLE, THOMAS, T 9 April 1917 101) Private DOLOREUX, THOMAS, T 9 April 1917 102) Private DOMMETT, ROBERT, R 9 April 1917 103) Private DONAGAN, FRANK, F 9 April 1917 104) Private DONALD, WILLIAM STIRLING, W S 12 April 1917 105) Lance Corporal DONNELL, JOHN IRVING, J I 9 April 1917 106) Corporal DONNELLY, DOUGLAS EUGENE MCGILL, D E M 9 April 1917 107) Private DONOGH, ROLAND, R M 12 April 1917 108) Private DONOVAN, ROBERT, R 9 April 1917 109) Private DOOLIN, MATTHEW, M 9 April 1917 110) Private DORE, MEDLEY FRANK, M F 9 April 1917 111) Private DORT, GEORGE LOUIS, G L 9 April 1917 112) Private DORVAL, PHILIP, P 9 April 1917 113) Private DOUCET, CLIFFORD, C 11 April 1917 114) Private DOUCET, THOMAS, T 9 April 1917 115) Private DOUCET, THEOPHILE, T P H 9 April 1917 116) Private DOUCETTE, MEDDIE, M 9 April 1917 117) Private DOUCETTE, WOODBURY, W 9 April 1917 118) Private DOUGAN, JOHN, J 9 April 1917 119) Private DOUGHERTY, LYLE GEORGE, L G 9 April 1917 120) Private DOUGHTY, ANDREW, A 9 April 1917
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