Honouring our Fallen Heroes
Passchendaele 26 October - 10 November, 1917
Remembering Passchendaele - 100 years ago - 26 October - 10 November, 1917
Early in October 1917, the Canadians were sent to Belgium to relieve the battered ANZAC forces and take part in the final push to capture Passchendaele. Canadian Corps commander Lieutenant-General Arthur Currie inspected the terrain and was shocked at the conditions he saw. He tried to avoid having his men fight there but was overruled by his superiors. As at Vimy, the four divisions of the Canadian Corps would see action. However, the ubiquitous mud, flat terrain, and relative lack of preparation time and artillery support would make Passchendaele a far different battlefield than the one the Canadians had encountered at Vimy Ridge.
Currie took as much time as he could to carefully prepare and on October 26, the Canadian offensive began. Advancing through the mud and enemy fire was slow and there were heavy losses but our soldiers clawed their way forward. On an exposed battlefield like that one, success was often only made possible due to acts of great individual heroism to get past spots of particularly stiff enemy resistance. Despite the adversity, the Canadians reached the outskirts of Passchendaele by the end of a second attack on October 30 during a driving rainstorm.
On November 6, the Canadians and British launched the assault to capture the ruined village of Passchendaele itself. In heavy fighting, the attack went according to plan. The task of actually capturing the “infamous” village fell to the 27th (City of Winnipeg) Battalion and they took it that day. After weathering fierce enemy counterattacks, the last phase of the battle saw the Canadians attack on November 10 and clear the Germans from the eastern edge of Passchendaele Ridge before the campaign finally ground to a halt. Canadian soldiers had succeeded in the face of almost unbelievable challenges.
Courtesy of Veterans Affairs Canada
3902 Canadians soldiers fell at Passchendaele.
Lieutenant ROGERS, LAWRENCE BROWNING, L B 30 October 1917 Private ROGERS, ROY WESLEY, R W 30 October 1917 Private ROLLAND, WALTER, W 6 November 1917 Private ROLSTON, LEONARD KENNEDY, L K 10 November 1917 Private ROMBOUGH, HARRY BEATON, H B 26 October 1917 Corporal ROSA, ELMER ELLSWORTH, E E 1 November 1917 Private ROSCOE, JOSEPH, J 1 November 1917 Private ROSE, ARTHUR, A 26 October 1917 Corporal ROSE, ALBERT, A 9 November 1917 Private ROSE, DAVID WESLEY, D W 27 October 1917 Private ROSE, JAMES NELSON, J N 6 November 1917 Private ROSE, WILLIAM, W D 7 November 1917 Private ROSE, WILLIAM SAMUEL, W S 1 November 1917 Lance Sergeant ROSEBLADE, STANLEY, S 6 November 1917 Private ROSS, ALEXANDER JOHN CAMPBELL, A J C 3 November 1917 Private ROSS, DANIEL, D 6 November 1917 Private ROSS, FREDDIE ALVIN, F A 29 October 1917 Private ROSS, GEORGE, G 30 October 1917 Private ROSS, HENRY GEORGE, H G 27 October 1917 Corporal ROSS, JOHN, J 6 November 1917 Private ROSS, LESLIE FRANCIS, L F W 6 November 1917 Private ROSS, MAURICE, M 26 October 1917 Private ROSS, MALCOLM ALEXANDER, M A 30 October 1917 Private ROSS, WILLIAM PATRICK, W P 26 October 1917 Private ROSZELL, WILLIAM, W 5 November 1917 Private ROUSE, THOMAS DUDLEY, T D 28 October 1917 Private ROUSSEAU, LEON, L 9 November 1917 Lance Serjeant ROUSSEAU, WILLIAM CHARLES, W C 30 October 1917 Private ROUTLEDGE, JOSEPH, J 30 October 1917 Corporal ROWBOTTOM, JAMES, J 30 October 1917 Private ROWE, JAMES ARTHUR, J A 30 October 1917 Private ROWLAND, GEORGE ALBERT, G A 26 October 1917 Private ROWLEY, WILFRID HENRY, W H 26 October 1917 Private ROY, ALOYSIUS, A 29 October 1917 Private ROY, ALEXANDER, A 6 November 1917 Private ROY, ARTHUR, A 9 November 1917 Private ROY, HERMAN WESLEY, H W 31 October 1917 Private ROY, JOSEPH ARTHUR, J A 30 October 1917 Private RUDD, PERCY JOHN, P J 10 November 1917 Private RUDDY, WALTER LAWSON, W L 30 October 1917 Private RUFFELL, ALBERT, A 10 November 1917 Private RUFFELL, CLIFFORD WILLIAM, C W 26 October 1917 Private RUNCIMAN, GEORGE, G 1 November 1917 Private RUNHAM, THOMAS MCGREGOR, T M 6 November 1917 Lieutenant RUSCONI, ALBERTO, A 30 October 1917 Corporal RUSHTON, OSCAR EUGENE, O E 30 October 1917 Private RUSSELL, ALEXANDER, A 7 November 1917 Captain RUSSELL, RICHARD, R E 6 November 1917 Private RUSSELL, WILLIAM, W 3 November 1917 Private RUSSELL, WILLIAM THOMAS, W T 26 October 1917 Private RUTHERFORD, JULIAN, J 10 November 1917 Lieutenant RUTLEDGE, ALEXANDER HERBERT, A H 26 October 1917 Private RUUD, EARL, E 30 October 1917 Private RYAN, ALBERT, A 30 October 1917 Private RYAN, JOHN, J 9 November 1917 Private RYBACZUK, JAKIM, J 30 October 1917 Private RYDER, WELDON, W 6 November 1917 Corporal SABEAN, STEPHEN THELBERT, S T 30 October 1917 Private SABEAN, WATSON, W 31 October 1917 Private SADLER, OLIVER EDGAR, O E 10 November 1917 Private SADROWSKI, STANISLAW, S 5 November 1917 Private SAFAY, FRED, F 30 October 1917 Lieutenant SAILMAN, ROBERT THOMAS, R T 30 October 1917 Corporal SALMON, ARTHUR DAWSON, A D 9 November 1917 Sergeant SALMON, DONALD, D 5 November 1917 Private SALTER, FREDERICK, F 2 November 1917 Private SALTER, WILLIAM JOHN, W J 26 October 1917 Private SAMMON, FREDERICK JOHN, F J 26 October 1917 Private SAMPHER, PHILIP, P 30 October 1917 Private SAMPLE, HARRY BERTRAND, H B 26 October 1917 Private SAMPLE, WILLIAM CLARE, W C 30 October 1917 Private SAMUEL, JOHN, J 26 October 1917 Second Lieutenant SANDERS, JOHN HENRY, J H 27 October 1917 Private SANDERS, RICHARD, R 10 November 1917 Private SANDERSON, HUGH ROBERT, H R 26 October 1917 Private SANDERSON, ROBERT, R 26 October 1917 Gunner SANDS, ALLEN, A 29 October 1917 Private SANGER, HERBERT GEORGE, H G 30 October 1917 Private SANGSTER, DAVID, D 26 October 1917 Private SARGENT, ALEXANDER, A 26 October 1917 Private SARGENT, EDWARD, E 30 October 1917 Lance Corporal SASKOWICH, JOHN, J 26 October 1917 Private SAUNDERS, MAX EGERTON, M E 6 November 1917 Gunner SAVAGE, FRANK HAROLD, F H 26 October 1917 Private SAVAGE, WILLIAM EDWARD, W E 30 October 1917 Private SAWLER, ORPHEUS, O 30 October 1917 Private SAXBY, ALBERT, A 30 October 1917 Private SAYERS, JOHN WILLIAM, J W 7 November 1917 Lieutenant SCADDAN, CHARLES MANSFIELD, C M 7 November 1917 Private SCARR, WILLIAM BOYD, W B 26 October 1917 Private SCHIERHOLTZ, WALTER CONRAD, W C 6 November 1917 Private SCHILTROTH, WILLIAM VICTOR, W V 6 November 1917 Sergeant SCHMIDT, FREDERICK ADOLPH, F A 1 November 1917 Private SCHOTTS, ROY STANLEY, R S 26 October 1917 Private SCOLNUCK, HARRY, H 7 November 1917 Gunner SCOTT, ALBERT ANGUS, A A 8 November 1917 Private SCOTT, CHARLES, C 26 October 1917 Private SCOTT, CHARLES FOSTER MCCARGAR, C F M 26 October 1917 Lance Corporal SCOTT, DAVID EVERETT, D E 6 November 1917 Private SCOTT, FREDERICK EDWARD, F E 26 October 1917 Private SCOTT, GEORGE, G 6 November 1917 Major SCOTT, HAROLD ARCHIBALD, H A 26 October 1917 Private SCOTT, HARVEY WELLINGTON, H W 2 November 1917 Private SCOTT, JAMES, J 30 October 1917 Private SCOTT, JAMES, J 10 November 1917 Private SCOTT, JAMES YOUNG, J Y 27 October 1917 Private SCOTT, STANLEY DUNCAN, S D 6 November 1917 Private SCOTT, THOMAS EDWARD, T E 30 October 1917 Private SCULLY, ROBERT, R J 7 November 1917 Sergeant SCUTCHINGS, HARRY, H 26 October 1917 Private SEAGER, WILLIAM, W 30 October 1917 Private SEALE, ERNEST LESLIE, E L 4 November 1917 Private SEALE, THEODORE WILLIAM, T W 30 October 1917 Gunner SEAMAN, ARTHUR ROBERT, A R 30 October 1917 Private SEAMAN, JOHN PETER, J P 3 November 1917 Gunner SEAMAN, ROY DOUGLAS, R D 10 November 1917 Private SEDGWICK, JOHN, J 30 October 1917 Private SEED, EDMOND FALCONER, E F 10 November 1917 Private SEELEY, JOSEPH WILFRED, J W 7 November 1917 Private SEIDELMAN, EDWARD JOSEPH, E J 26 October 1917
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