Born at Winnipeg. Belmont Public School and Waskana High School. Outstanding academic career: BA United College, University of Manitoba. LL.B.(Hons) Manitoba Law School. Pres. Young Liberals' Assoc. Winnipeg 1935. Pres. Law School Society 1936 and 37. Member Zeta Psi Fraternity, Strathcona Curling Club, Winnipeg, Knox United Church. He was a well known practising lawyer in Winnipeg. Coucillor to the Canadian Wheat Board and Secretary of the Advisory Committee. Enl. Jul. 1942. Trained at Brandon, Dauphin and Regina. Surv. Parents, the Rev. GA and Mrs. Dyker of Holland, MB., brother, Capt. Dr. Gordon R., RCAMC Regina., brothers William Lyle at Winnipeg, the Rev. George F. at Neepawa, Hedley at Regina, and sisters Jean and Margaret.